One of the things we love about the Narnia series is the magical wardrobe. Throughout the stories, Lewis is asking us to consider that reality includes more than what we see in our daily lives. The conversation the Pevensie children have with the Professor is revealing. Their younger sister, Lucy, insists that she has discovered another world and her siblings find it hard to believe…
“How do you know your sister’s story is not true?” the Professor asks them.
“Why don’t they teach logic at these schools? There are only three possibilities. Either your sister is telling lies, or she is mad, or she is telling the truth. You know she doesn’t tell lies, and it is obvious that she is not mad. For the moment then, and unless any further evidence turns up, we must assume that she is telling the truth.”
Of course, Lewis used this same logical reasoning to argue for the truth of Christianity in many of his literary works. He hadn’t found any evidence to suggest that the person called Jesus of Nazareth was a liar or a lunatic. At the age of 32, he became convinced that Jesus’ claims about this life and the next were true and became “the most reluctant convert it all of England”. If you’re interested, you can read more about his life here.
I found this used jewelry box at Good Will for $3. It reminded me of a wardrobe, so I set out to create a peek into Narnia!
The background was painted with acrylics mixed with gel medium for better blending.
I painted the trees with artificial snow from Hobby Lobby. This scene needs to look wintery!
Next, I flocked miniature pine trees using a spray adhesive (sprayed outside) and then rolling them in artificial snow to coat.
Glued the trees in with the hot glue gun and cut two small hills out of styrofoam so the ground wasn’t so flat.
Tiny .05 mm acrylic stones added frosty sparkle to the trees, and a map of Narnia was printed from my computer and trimmed to fit inside the door frames.
Wood cutouts added to the corners…
Using brad rings and two snowflake charms, I created handles for the doors.
Covered the bottom of the scene with an artificial blanket of snow and then glued more powdered snow over it. On the inside of the doors I adhered photos of fur coats, covered with translucent vellum.
Found a Victorian style lamp post on Amazon!
Thanks for stopping by to look inside the wardrobe! Have a blessed week ~Scarlett
Scarlett, I loved your process that you went through with the wardrobe and you kept adding detail. You are amazing with your talents and your creativity and your vision of what you would like the finished project to be. Fantastic work!
I love seeing each step – following you along the way has been so special. The little details make it so realistic. Love. Love. Love.
Always keep your great imagination and dedication! I know who you inherited it from and she would be so proud of you!
Wow!!!! Amazing how you transformed this into Narnia wardrobe!!! I always love seeing your creations!!! So beautiful ~Sophia
Hi Scarlett – just so creative and wonderful to see your process, as well as your art as you proceed with its creation – a delight, an absolute delight … so so clever: they’d make great Christmas presents … Wonderful to see – thanks so much … inspirational – cheers Hilary
I have just discovered your amazing blog via Pinterest and am delighted by your exquisite art and generosity in sharing your techniques, and by your radiant faith. I have just signed up as a follower. I have loved the Narnia books since I was nine years old, and I am now 64! Your Narnia wardrobe is quite lovely and has quite made my day!
Thank you, Scarlett.
PS I love the title of your blog – the three colours in the Tabernacle!
Thank you, Soshi! I’m glad you stopped by and thank you for your kind words about the wardrobe project. I first read the Narnia books when I was 9 years old, as well, what a coincidence! I think it will always be one of my favorites, as well! Wishing you and yours a very blessed and happy 2018!
Thank you, Scarlett! If you visit my blog and read my resume of 2017 you will see that last year wasn’t a particularly good year for us, but I am hoping for better things in 2018! We have so much to be thankful for.
May the Lord bless you richly throughout the coming year.
This was extremely entertaining , educational and fun. I’m feeling inspired to make one of my favorite stories.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by! Have fun creating~~Scarlett
That is an amazing bit of work! I imagine you must have had a great deal of fun putting it all together.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Andrea! Appreciate your kind words–have a blessed day! ~Scarlett
Simply magical I’d love to be able to do this
This is beautiful.I am making a Nardia scene also but on a smaller scale!
Looks awesome I got to try that