It was just a few flurries off and on throughout the day, but our recent “snowfall” was enough to get us in the mood for snowflakes!
Every year we decorate our piano room window with lacy paper snowflakes. We can pretend in one room, at least, that our Christmas is white
This is the best paper snowflake book ever! Since we don’t get snow down in this part of Texas too often, we always make a whole window full of pretty flakes to give our piano room than wintry look.
Have you ever tried to make paper snowflakes without a pattern? It’s not as easy as you would think. This little book solves the problem.
The book is full of patterns like this. It has folding instructions at the top (easy) and a picture of what that individual snowflake will look like, plus really cool sounding names like “Art Crystal”. We make copies of a bunch of the pages so we can use the book year after year.
I print some of the patterns onto plain white copy paper, but a few of them I trace onto translucent tracing paper. This will give our window display depth if some are opaque and some let more light through.
You simply cut out the square pattern, fold on the guidelines, and cut away all the black parts…
After the snowflakes are cut out we stick them in a book to flatten out for a day. They look much better when you hang them if the creases have been flattened.
After they are nice and flat we put a tiny piece of double-stick tape on the back and hang them on the window to create our imaginary snowfall. One extra thing I do is punch out several different sized of white circles to stick on around the flakes to give it even more of a snowy look.
I hope we do get some real snow this year, but if not, we’ve got our window full of snowflakes and our imaginations.