Antique Baby Portrait Card

When I go to antique stores I look for old photos.  I love to find baby portraits in good condition.

I love the old-fashioned dresses they wore (the girls and the boys!) and their sweet expressions.

I always wonder how something that was so precious to someone at one time wound up for sale in an antique store?

A good friend of mine recently had a baby boy so I decided to turn this baby portrait into a card for her.



I thought it was neat how the “b flat” symbols resemble small letter “b”s for “baby”.


A handwritten note…


Tied up with string and a tiny pressed flower…

Wrapped in soft yarn and trimmed with a tag.

Congratulations to the “B” Family!

“The happiest days are when babies come.”   -Melanie Hamilton, Gone With The Wind


  1. Brenda Elving

    Your new post is awesome!! How very thoughtful and beautiful – the B family is blessed. Every new post inspires me with new creativity!”

  2. It looks amazing and what a great idea with the photos. Can I ask you how you get that texture on the edges of the paper? Is it ink? If yes, how do you apply it?

    Thank you for your lovely comment about my sketches. Yes, everybody has a story. And I feel that real life is sort of like fairy tales in that we go through so many hardships, but that in the end, somehow things turn out ok. And yes, I hope your fairy tales have the ending you’ve always dreamed of.

    • bscarlettc

      Thanks so much!

      Do you mean the torn edge or the coloring? The torn edges are done using a distressing tool (round circular thing with metal edges that you scrape along the sides) and the coloring is distressing ink just applied with a big sponge.

      Thanks for your kind comment!

  3. I loved this card when I first read this post…maybe because I had just had a baby boy myself? I even thought how blessed this sweet family will be to receive such a special card!

    Then, when I went to get the mail today and found this card in the mail to us…I cried!!! I LOVE IT, SCARLETT!!!! I will treasure it forever! When I am done displaying it (in a year or so :-), I will put it in J’s memory box.

    I absolutely love your work and am so glad to be “collecting” it!

  4. All I can say is God has give you a very special gift to bless others. You are a very creative artistic person. Hope to meet you one day. Prayers for your family and especially Baby Knox. God Bless you.
    Linda/Amy’s Mother-in-law

    • bscarlettc

      Dear Linda,
      Thank you so much for your sweet words-your daughter-in -law and her family are very special to me. God bless you as well, and thank you for the prayer for baby K.. ~S

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