“The Lordship of Christ should include an interest in the arts.” -F. Schaeffer
This little book, written by theologian Francis Schaeffer, is the best I’ve read on this topic. It deals perfectly with the appreciation of art and how the Christian should relate to it in light of scripture. Contained in the book are two essays. The first examines the record of art forms in the Bible, while the second establishes a Christian perspective on art. Throughout the book, he offers all Christians, artists and non-artists alike, a fresh perspective on how God views art and, subsequently, how it should be viewed.
Personally, I benefitted from this little book in two ways. First, I received affirmation that non-realistic art is acceptable, even desirable to the Lord. Schaeffer highlights the “blue pomegranates” that God himself directed to be made (Exodus 28:33) for the priest’s garments. He goes on to say, “Purple and scarlet could be natural changes in the growth of the pomegranate. But blue isn’t. The implication is that there is freedom to make something which gets its impetus from nature but can be different from it and it too can be brought into the presence of the God.” Another gem in this book is Schaeffer’s “Four Standards of Judgement” he gives for Christians in the second essay. This has been immensely helpful to me as a homeschooling mom who also loves art. I intend for my children to learn these standards so that they can approach a work of art intelligently, giving credit for technical skill , yet always judging it by its relationship to the Christian world-view.
Scarlett, you are brilliant with your words and way you can put things together in your house that is truly a gift from God. love you.
Now I see where your blog name came from. I’ve always loved it but I really
love it now knowing it’s meaning. I love having you for a friend. You inspire me to grow and learn and create. You are one of my biggest blessings from the Lord. Who would have thought my year at First Foundations brought me a treasured friend. 🙂
Aha, now I understand the name of your blog! Very clever. I hope you don’t mind me stalking you a little, Scarlett — I wanted to go back to the beginning of your blog, both to see the evolution of your art and to read more of Knox’s story. I am trying to draw out my own inner artist, and your work and your journey are such an inspiration to me.
Thanks, Jessica. It was interesting for me to re-read this post. I hadn’t read it in 5 years.
Blessings to you as you try and tap into your creative self. I highly recommend a little book
called: “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon. It’s not theology, but I think you’d enjoy it.
Blessings, Scarlett
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