It’s hard to believe baby K is 4 months old.
You know what’s even harder?
Getting a decent photo of him!
Weighing in at a little less than 11 pounds, he’s still a small fry, and difficult to keep happy for long.
We think we catch a glimpse of a smile sometimes, but then it’s gone as suddenly as it came.
He doesn’t care much for my camera.
And he certainly wasn’t thrilled about lying on the floor with the monogrammed pumpkin. Me and my bright ideas.
How is he doing?
Well, the results from his second round of tests haven’t come in yet. We think he’s doing better, but the doctors keep insisting that there’s something wrong. They’re just doing their job, I suppose.
He’s still not making eye contact with us, but he does like to watch lights and look at his mobile we made him.
He found his thumb last Wednesday which was pretty fun.
Drinking only 2-3 oz. of milk at a time, he doesn’t eat enough to sleep very long, so he’s still up 2-3 times at night.
And he still gets his contacts removed every week for cleaning. So far, he seems to be tolerating them well.
A physical therapist comes every other Friday now to help him reach some milestones that he hasn’t reached yet.
We’re so thankful for the great doctors we have (however gloomy they may be at times) and for the care he’s receiving.
And most especially we’re thankful to the Lord, who has him in His hands and is watching over him day and night.
Thanks for the update, Scarlett…I’ve been meaning to talk with you to find out how you all are. We’re so encouraged by Knox’s improvements and are excited to see how God is working in his life. Thank you, Lord for all You have done for Knox!
Dear Scarlett,
We have prayed for your sweet child and will continue to do so. Your pictures of him are sooo
amazing to look at because it give those of us who have never met little Knox a real sense of who he is. What a gift you have in him and your love for him is all over those pictures. Our daugter-in-law keeps us posted and we so appreciate the updates.
God Bless your whole family.
Linda Busti
Thank you so much Mrs. Busti! I know he is doing better even if the doctors are still negative. The Lord has done great things for him already! I appreciate you encouragement and prayers for our little guys more than I can say! God Bless you and your family and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
sorry I’ve been awol lately, lots of stuff going on!
BUT He has grown! totally adorable!
Glad to hear your all doing and getting lots of care!
That is quite the dapper dan outfit he has on very snazzy, love him !! Love ya’ll too !! ♥
ok, If I ever get to hold this boy….. I’ll have to kiss his cheeks!!!!!!!!!!
So precious!
Abigail and I are looking at Knox’s sweet photos right now, and Abigail is telling me how cute he is. What a precious boy, we love him! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Awww…thank you so much! We love him to pieces
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!