This is ‘purple’ week over at the Summer of Color challenge.
My inspiration was The Purple Hairstreak Butterfly.
I haven’t drawn anything in a while so I put my stamps, collage sheets, and stickers away for this one.
I used my Derwent pencils–using ‘Imperial Purple’ for the dark shading on the branches, instead of brown like I would normally do.
And now for a little departure from nature…
Using some purple colored chalk, I lightly shaded in some color in the center of some pressed hydrangea petals. Over the years the pressed flowers get prettier and prettier. They look like old yellowed paper.
I carefully separated some petals and added them on the wings,and then put some in the tree.
A common question I’m asked these days is, “Do you need anything?” I’m never sure how to answer this questions because there are many things I need, but they’re not things other people can give me.
The message here is the only answer I can come up with.
Check out more purple art at Summer of Color.
Beautiful and poignant. I am always thinking about you all. ffh8
@Floy—Thanks so much, Floy. It means a lot to me that you come by here
Love you,Scarlett
@NatashaMay –Thank you! I’m glad you liked it! I’ll be over to see your piece ASAP! Thanks for commenting.
@Elisabeth R.–You are so sweet, I’m glad you liked it. Appreciate your comment so much!
Awesome butterfly and beautiful page. You did a great job!
Wow! This is amazing! I LOVE everything about it! :-))
Hi Scarlett .. so talented with your imagination .. let alone your drawing and creativity .. beautiful .. love this – hope you had a great weekend and have a good week – and a big hug is coming your way – your words say it all .. Hilary
BEEutiful~ I love this, so creative of you adding the chalk accents. The sepia tone really makes the purple pop! I love butterflies; your drawing is so stunning! Well Done~ You should link up; I didn’t see your name. I just linked my art~ xXx
@Ella –I wasn’t sure this was really going to fit with the color for this week, purple is not a color I work with much. Thanks as always for being such and encouragment! Yep, I’m linked up , #30 I think! I’ll be over to your place soon! ~Scarlett
@Lisa–Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your sweet comment–I need peace in my life right now..I’m glad that emotion came across to you, too. Come again! ~Scarlett
This is so beautiful and dreamy – I really love it. It feels so peaceful.
This is beautiful..its so creative how you have used the dried petals on your page and how they look like a part if the butterfly…your pencil drawing is wonderful…are they just normal pencils?xxx
@mandy –I found those petals in my closet recently. I had forgotten all about is so cool when something old works with something new! I’m so glad you liked the petals!
Thanks for stopping in! ~Scarlett
@laurie –Thanks so much, Laurie, it kind of happened by accident, cleaning out my closet! Thanks for your kind comment, have a great week! ~Scarlett
@mandy –Derwent pencils are a softer lead colored pencil..the color goes on smoother than most others so I like them a lot! Thanks so much!!!
I love it! I love the embellished petals added to the wings,, amazing!
I somehow missed you on the list; then I saw you…oops, may need to get new glasses : ( I am so glad you joined in; I had a hard time with this color, too~ I love butterflies; orange is next~xXx
@Ella –well, if purple was a little challenging, orange is just plain HARD. My orange pencils are always sharp! And my orange ink pad…never used and probably dried up! It’ll be interesting.
This is such a lovely drawing. You should draw more
Including the hydrangea petals is such a lovely idea. Adds depth.

@Lesley–I really appreciate that, I love to draw but I’ve never been able to take any art classes…so I just practice and try to get better on my own. Hope you’re having a good morning! ~Scarlett
Such a beautiful, beautiful page! I love how you added the petals.
You are really an inspiration. I LOVE your posts, your pictures are amazing and just adore how you share your heart and art with us – it is so kind of you to do so. AND of course your work is always so elegant and gorgeous. Thank you! xo
Oh my!!! I love this, your style is awesome. I’ll be back for more. xo
I love everything about this!! beautiful work!
@Joanna –many thanks! I appreciate it! I’ll be over to visit soon! ~Scarlett
@Paulina–I’m so glad you liked it! Please come again any time!
@kristin –You are so so encouraging! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to stop by–I can only imagine how busy you are trying to go around and see everyone’s work!! I really appreciate it!!~Scarlett
oh, I am absolutely amazed by this piece. I love the drawing, and then adding in papers and words… it is all just so beautiful. I am so sincere when I say that this piece is lovely and amazing.
@Daniele –I appreciate your kind words so much! Thank you!
@Ella –I love these colors, too! I have so much paper in these shades that I need to use up (so I can get some new paper of course! lol) Thanks
Gorgeous artwork, and the petals are a fabby addition