Woe is me, for there is no vacation in sight for us and the summer is almost gone! The cost of travel precludes our departure to any exotic destination at this time. Plus, all the places I truly want to go require a trans-atlantic flight, which is unfortunate for someone who doesn’t like flying.* Deep, heavy sigh*. Well, at least I have art. I can revel in the beauty of colorful maps and the intrigue of used foreign postage stamps. The airplane stamp is by All Night Media (#328D) and the vintage compass is from Stampabilities (#D1024).
I’ve made several “travel” cards like this before and sent them to friends and family right before they depart on extended trips. I like to include a note to let them know that I will be praying for thier safety and protection while they’re away.
Those are really neat! About flying, I enjoy taking off and landing, but I HATE turbulence. It’s when turbulence hits that I start checking my heart and getting right with God!