Somethin’ strange is going on with my blog!
I’ve been searching for some of my previous fall posts and I can’t find them. It’s like they’ve disappeared!
As you can imagine this has me a little frazzled.
My husband decided that the safest route would be to switch over to a dot com. I’ve never really had a desire to do this, but I’ve become more concerned with preserving my content.
So my blog may be on the blink for a day or two this week while the change is being made.
*These photos are some that I found in my old ‘fall art’ folders. I’m positive I posted these back in 2009, along with another similar post, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. So here they are again…my daughter using candy corn for a lovely garden picture.
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Love this, Scarlett. Hope you find all your pics. How frustrating! Have a wonderful Sunday.
Hi Scarlett .. strange – I hope you and your hubby can solve it .. or at least rescue the situation.
All the best – love your daughter’s art .. cheers Hilary
That is fun art!

Good luck on securing your blog content.
Your knees are very pretty!