It’s hard to believe baby K is 4 months old. You know what’s even harder? Getting a decent photo of him! Weighing in at a little less than 11 pounds, he’s still a small fry, and difficult to keep happy for long. We think we catch a glimpse of a […]
Baby Knox
In April 2011, our baby boy was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease called Cockayne Syndrome.
Desert Place
I’ve been here before. It’s a desert place. A valley of shadow. A long night… I pace back and forth with baby. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in over 3 months. I hear voices “You’re not a good mother. What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you get this […]
Baby’s Eyes
Baby’s pretty cute these days. Getting little rolls on the arms… And getting really chunky here… Couple of dimples here… And sweet plumpness here… But baby’s eyes…. Baby’s eyes don’t meet mine anymore. They’ve gone cloudy. The first two surgeries didn’t work. So he’s having two more surgeries very soon. I’m […]
Homemade Baby Mobile
Last week my baby’s eyes were born anew and he began to see for the first time! After double cataract surgeries, in which his lenses were permanently removed, he was fitted with tiny contact lenses which will serve as his eyes for now. Now that he is beginning to see the world around […]
Knox is 5 Days Old
Just in Time
Whew! Now that our house is off the market, I finally felt at liberty to make a few preparations for a very important upcoming event… And I’d say these preparations are just in time, given that our new tiny boy is due this SATURDAY!