It’s Christmas Time! But…what is time? The Christian theologian, Augustine of Hippo (354-430), explored the mysterious concept of time in Chapter XI of Confessions. He surmised that since the past no longer exists, the future does not yet exist, and the present is always slipping into the past, time is […]
Hand Made Gift Ideas
Hand-Painted Chocolate Rabbits
When I saw this vintage rabbit mold in an antique store, I knew I had to try my hand a making some chocolate rabbits for Easter. I melted down Ghirardelli dark chocolate wafers and made 6 rabbits. I decorated them with spring bouquets. For the “paint” I used melted […]
Van Til Valentine Messages
I wrote a few whimsical Valentine messages to honor the Dutch reformed theologian, Cornelius Van Til. His devotion to the Christian faith during his 43 years of teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary resulted in many lectures, sermons, and books, several of which I have on my reading list this year. […]
The Love of Imitating Nature
Q: Why do we love to imitate nature? A: Because we are created in the image of the Creator of Nature and experience joy as we create after the pattern of our Creator. Psalm 104:24 O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all (Paper […]
Candy Corn Queen 2019
In the style of Czech artist, Alphonse Mucha, this year’s Candy Corn Queen dons Art Nouveau fashion. Thanks for stopping by~ Scarlett
“Das Haus/Ideen Magazin” 2017
The holidays came and whizzed by so quickly, I hardly had a chance to decorate my own tree! I’m a bit behind on my blog. For posterity (*my kids*) I wanted to post about the honor I had of having my “Cupcake Liner Butterflies” published in Germany in 2017. Das […]
Published in GreenCraft, May 2017
I was thrilled to have an article featured in this month’s GreenCraft magazine! The article is a tutorial on how to reuse shower rings and turn them into sweet miniature flower frames. The editors of GreenCraft continually produce a publication that is as lovely to look at as it is […]
Art Eggs Inspired by Ellsworth Kelly
These art eggs are inspired by the American minimalist, Ellsworth Kelly. In my last video, I discussed the philosophy of naturalism and how Ellsworth Kelly’s work exemplifies it. As a Christian, I am passionate about the intersection of the arts and faith. I’d love to hear your feedback! If you’d […]
Small Notebooks Wrapped Up for Valentine’s Day
On the clearance aisles of office supply and craft stores, you’ll often find inexpensive notebooks. I found these tiny pink notebooks on a clearance aisle at Office Depot for .70. I wrapped them with glassine kraft paper, ribbon, crepe paper flowers, crochet lace, and some cuts of old pink sweater […]