I’ve been going through and cleaning out hundreds of photos from my recycle bin. Today I came across some photos from our first church art exhibit last Christmas. I had forgotten all about these photos! I had put them on my FB page during the holidays, deleted them after New Year’s, and you know the rest. I restored them today and thought I’d post a little Christmas in June! This is a mixed-media piece made from a game box. The game was called “The Art Game” and I kept the cards, but really liked the size and built-in “frame” inside the box itself, so I decided to alter it for my exhibit project entitled “Nunc Dimittis”.
I wanted to make a tribute to Simeon, the elderly prophet who uttered awe inspiring words to Jesus’ family at his presentation at the temple. This event, briefly mentioned in scripture, is a special passage to me. I can’t help but think how amazing it would’ve been for Simeon to hold the baby Savior after waiting to see Him for who knows how long?
Following is an explanation of the Latin title.
Nunc Dimittis is the prayer recited by Simeon at the presentation of Jesus at the temple. (Luke 2:29-31). This canticle has been used daily at Compline since the 4th century. |
NUNC dimittis servum tuum, Domine * Secundum verbum tuum in pace: | NOW dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, * in peace, according to Thy word: |
Quia viderunt oculi mei * salutare tuum | For mine own eyes hath seen * Thy salvation, |
Quod parasti * ante faciem omnium populorum: | Which Thou hast prepared * in the sight of all the peoples, |
Lumen ad revelationem gentium, * Et gloriam plebis tuae Israel. | A light to reveal Thee to the nations * and the glory of Thy people Israel. |
To assemble this piece I used a lot of gel medium mixed with acrylic paint. The costume jewelry pieces were my mother’s, attached with E-6000. I decoupaged some Bible pages on the cover and painted over them with several colored layers of glaze. I also used a lot of golden glitter paint. I love glitter.
For the text I printed out the words onto parchment colored caligraphy paper and then used Distressing Ink in Tea Stain to age it. The image for the inside was not the one I wanted to use, but it was one of the few that was not subject to copyright.
At the botton of the top panel is a “scroll” which is an actual Bible page from Luke 2– the account of Simeon’s encounter with Christ and his family rolled up and tied with old silk ribbon.
I don’t know if we will have another art exhibit at church this year, but I do know I will enjoy displaying this piece at home. It is impossible to tell from these poor photos, but in the evening it really sparkles under soft light and has a medieval quality that I really like.
Hope you don’t mind the Christmas post in June? I figured if Hobby Lobby can do it, so can I