I think I’ve finally decided on a design for the children’s hospital. My goal is to finish it up before Knox’s birthday (July 14th) and submit it to the hospital’s art board for consideration.
I’ve drawn a lot of turtles lately…
Here’s some really rough sketches that I keep coming back to. I only had a couple of colors at the time I did this one so the colors are blah, but I like the concept…
I’m leaning toward this one…
What do you think? Does this come across as something that would fit well in a children’s hospital?
Obviously this is a personal project for me in many ways.
She’s helping the mother with her sick little one. She’s able to give the baby the care he needs when the mother is so tired… I like this idea a lot. Not sure if the turtles are the best way to get the idea across but they communicate ‘calmness’ to me and the cool colors seem soothing.
I’d appreciate your thoughts! Of course, my fear is that I’ll paint something and then the board won’t accept it.
But that would be ok. I just need to do this for Knox, and for me, too.
Thanks for coming by, I’ll be over to visit all of you as soon as I can.
Check out more art at Paint Party Friday!
I like this painting. I think it does convey your feeling and emotion very well.
I love it! As a mother and a nurse, I think it is a powerful piece. It speaks volumes.
I like the one you like!~ I think of the outer shell we try to show, when inside we have our soft, emotional side. Turtles are perfect for sharing the sentiment you wish to convey! I think it is wonderful and you have a great chance~
Please keep us posted how it all turns out~
I love this idea, I think its so creative and beautiful and symbolic!
I absolutely adore your turtles. (I love turtles period) Your design is perfect for a children’s hospital. My favorite is the you like. I sure hope they accept it. Good luck to you.
All of these are really nice. I never would have thought about the use of turtles, but they are perfect. I agree the colors you’ve chosen are calming and the overall design as well with momma, baby and caretaker. I also like the closeness and intimacy in the designs where she is squatted down. What if she were squatted down closer to the mother turtle and holding the baby turtle as in the second drawing? I’m just throwing that out there. I absolutely love your creativity and artistic eye and these drawings are so amazing. I’m sure the hospital will love them!
Well, you know I love your work.
OK: something to think about: how about if the baby turtle had a little bandage or some sort of symbol to show he was not well?
2: how about if the baby were looking downward?
Just love it; keep the grasses behind it, too…like the texture of the grasses a lot..
They bring a tear to my eye, so evocative and loving. You are a wonder!
Love this concept, mother constant vigual. I am very proud of you. Please keep working on such beautiful ways of release and love. Love ya
I think it’s a lovely concept. One reason is that the idea could extend to all sorts of other animals. Children develop attachments to all kinds of animals, and other artists could join in and paint along the theme with whatever they wanted to paint. It also subtly honors all the other caregivers a sick child and their family rely on.
Loving the third and the last one, both show care and love. Happy PPF, Annette x
Beautiful illustrations. Saludos
I love it and I think it is great for a children’s hospital! I know Grace would like it!
I love the third one down, the kneeling girl with the turtle in her arms. I do like the concept of helping the mother when she is tired, and also Nancy’s suggestion of somehow indicating who is the helper and who is the one not well.
Sweet. I sort of visualized a tear drop on the turtles eye. Just a thought.
Or maybe a smile as it’s being cared for? ????
Love all these! I like the girl in the first one, the colors are a bit more vibrant to catch a child’s attention. I also like the idea from Connie about having her down closer to Mama Turtle. Love the turtles!!
I like the ones of the nurse holding the mama… the whole concept especially the meaning is great….I love it …..beautiful job Scarlett…I am sure they will love it too… I agree with the comments about adding the tear drop to the mama….that would be a nice touch….:)
I think that the message and idea of turtles are both perfect for the childrens hospital… I sure hope that the board thinks so too! You can feel the love that you have put into them. t.xoxo
Well, I really, really love this concept! And I think it’s important to go with your gut – if you’ve been drawn to turtles lately – then that’s where you should keep your focus
I agree with the others – loving the baby being helped, the tired mama and I too like the one where she is kneeling and holding the turtle. There is a lot of goodness here, and I wish you so much love and luck!!! xoox
I do love that piece! I can really see and feel caring and love and kindness. Perfect for a children’s hospital! Beautiful!!
I think it works. turtles move slowly so you can feel the calmness. I like the concept of the last one. More colorful.
Scarlett, these are perfect for a children’s hospital. I can feel the love you’ve put in them. just beautiful!!
I just love everything about this idea its works beautifully to convey your message. Simply Fabulous
give M , S , J & K hugs and kisses from me
love you darlin
Definitely appropriate for a children’s hospital, Scarlett.
They are all charming and very calming. I’m sure children and parents alike will love them. Hugs to you!
@Renee–Hey there, thanks so much! I’m not able to click over to your blog anymore (?) Hope all is well, are you still working on a new site? Miss seeing your art!
I think they’re lovely, especially that last one. When I saw it as a sketch above I thought it was perfect, then you had it again at the end and it just confirmed my original feeling. The turtles add such a cute touch, great for a children’s hospital. Many hugs to you and your family, Scarlett.
Hi Scarlett – it is beautiful .. I love the way you manage to create these gorgeous pictures .. the storyline sounds just right to me .. and something so completely different – for everyone to talk about the turtles, let alone the meaning behind the art … I am absolutely certain it will be accepted – and if not you have it for Knox .. and it can be in pride of place at home.
Enjoy your continued creation and Turtle Lady – cheers to you all .. Hilary