It’s time to get those doodles mailed in! The due date for “Doodle 4 Google‘ is coming up March 20th.
The theme is “If I could travel in time, I’d visit…”
My daughter chose ancient Athens since that’s what we’ve been studying about in history this year. She did a great job, including her favorite things we’ve learned about and taking some artistic license with the coloring.
She started off with the Parthenon…
Then she chose some of the artifacts and things we’ve learned about for the letters. The ‘G’ features a grape vine with lots of purple grapes. Vineyards were important in ancient Greece as Thucydides remarked, “the peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive and the vine.”
The turtle coin represents the ‘Aegean Tortoise’ coins, which were among the first coins used by the merchants and seafarers of the Aegean Sea.
Next comes a ‘pyxis‘ pot, which held medicines or cosmetic mixtures, along with a ‘lyre’ , (which my daughter still spells ‘liar’) an early stringed instrument, thought to have been invented by the god Apollo.
There’s a nice Ionic column, followed by a very yummy looking round of cheese made from goat’s milk.
She did a great job, and I know she’ll remember what she’s learned about life in ancient Athens even more after creating this ‘doodle’.
Happy Sunday!
Oh, my, she is good! Love the picture of her sweet little hands. Makes me want to go to Athens.
That is so cool and the fact that she is learning so much and in detail about ancient history is wonderful…I just took a college course on it and was amazed at how little I knew about ancient Athens!!
She did a great job!! Bravo!!!

Hi Scarlett .. that is just so clever .. she’s really woven Athenian life into one picture – very clever .. and I love it. I expect she’ll pick lyre up quite quickly .. funny how we get hooked on things occasionally and it takes just something to break the spell/ spelling mould!
Well done to you both .. fantastic .. have a great week .. cheers Hilary
That’s a wonderful doodle!
What a great job!Have to come in Athens ,Greece and see ACROPOLIS and learn more things about our country and civilization.
@Lily–Oh we would LOVE to visit Greece some day, I hope we can! Especially since we’ve studied it… there is no end to the fascinating history of your country!! Thanks for stopping by!
I cant wait to see this on Google!! I just know it will be picked! Its so creative and appropriate. I think Ive learned something today…… Thank you for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. I have been trying to reply to each comment and when I clicked on my blog Im sad to see that my cardinal isnt near as pretty in the photo as in real life. I think the flash changed it – I need to pay more attention to my photos before uploading them! Hope the sun is out in your neck of the woods so you can get out and play with the littles…..
It will be exciting to see what career path your daughter chooses because you are laying the ground work for many different artistic and creative paths. Great job on her artwork and your parenting!
She did do a great job….good for her! Very talented I might add. xoxo