After a grueling week of speech preparation and competition, I was ready to get back to quiet activities at home.
My daughter was recently given these lovely roses by her grandfather. We don’t have fresh flowers around the house often, so whenever we do have them, we use them for drawing practice!
My sweet friend Amy recently gave me some oil pastels she wasn’t using. This was such a timely gift since ALL my art stuff is still packed and stored in the garage! Thank you Amy!
My daughter used them like crayons, but the colors are more vivid than regular crayons and much more rewarding to work with.
I told my little artist that I needed a new refrigerator picture and set her up to draw her impression of these beautiful roses.
And this gave me the opportunity to snap some pictures and try to figure out why my camera doesn’t want to focus these days? I have a feeling my auto-focus is about to die.
She worked very intently for quite a while and when I saw her finished picture, I smiled. She included everything she saw: her pencil, the oil pastels themselves, and even the sketch pad she was drawing her picture on!
So cute!
I hope some of you are able to get some drawing practice in with your young artists this week!
So glad you are enjoying the oil crayons!!! S’s work is beautiful, and so are her momma’s sweet pictures of her!
Are you sure you guys have to move???
Such a beautiful little artist….
As beautiful as the real ones are, I love the
drawing best. What a sweet grandfather to bring
flowers !
Aaahhh love this:)
I miss those younger years with my kids~~~all grown up…
Have a blessed weekend,
Kay Ellen