Happy 2nd Birthday Knox!

My sweetie pie, Knox, turned 2 this last weekend!

He stared at his cupcake…

And then tried a little bit of the sweet stuff…

We had lots of fun celebrating with family.

He shares a birthday with his Great-Grandmother.

He turned 2 and she turned 83…

Then just a couple of days later he got his smart new glasses…

It is so hard to get good photos of my little guy!

His glasses are so thick that there’s almost always a glare or reflection of some kind that ruins it.
But I did manage to get one that turned out super cute…

We will be attending the Cockayne Syndrome Family Conference in San Diego in just a few days. In addition to meeting other families who have children with CS, we’ll be meeting with researchers, talking with doctors, and learning more about what this journey holds for us.

And I was so excited about showing you my Egyptian ATCs and what did I do?

I mailed them off and forgot to take photos!  I was stressed about making the deadline (because I might’ve missed the last deadline I signed up for…by a little bit…sort of… ok, yes I did) and completely forgot to take the pictures. This was the postcard I based the design on…

I think my brain is already in vacation mode!

I’ll be taking a break from blogging until August.

Hope to see you when I get back!


  1. Happy Birthday Knox! What a sweetie. As for your Egyptian piece, I guess we’ll have to wait for the publication 😉

  2. Laura Hancock

    Happy birthday to your precious little angel! Your pictures are great, but I must say the last one is absolutely adorable! Have a wonderful trip to San Diago, and I pray you return refreshed and overjoyed with many positive, encouraging reports of what you may expect on your journey you are traveling! God bless you and carry you gently

  3. Happy Birthday to your sweet beautiful Knox! Great pics, he’s such a happy looking boy! And how awesome to have a great grandmother! 😀

  4. Happy Birthday Knox! Such sweet, precious photos of him and his great-grandmother. Wishing you and your family a lovely trip to San Diego! Enjoy your much deserved break from blogging; however, you will be missed until you return :)! ~Vanessa

  5. Happy Birthday, Knox! That cupcake looks so yummy 🙂 Gorgeous photos of your beautiful baby boy.


  6. Happy Birthday to Knox! Super photos! I wish you’ll come back from San Diego with refreshed courage! See you in August, have fun!

  7. Happy Birthday Knox! Love the photo with his new specs, très chic! Hope the conference helps you, sending hugs your way! Valerie

  8. The photo of Knox with his cupcake on his face is absolutely precious! Love the new chic glasses. San Diego should be beautiful this time of year. Enjoy your trip.

  9. Happy Birthday KNOX! You sweet little peanut! Mom, You take darling photos! I hope your trip is lovely! Blessings to you! ~s

  10. Happy Birthday Knox!!!! Scarlett…he is such a sweet little boy…he just tugs at my heart strings…it brings tears to my eyes….maybe it is just this week with so much going on …Colorado & such but this little face is just such an up lift today…He is a blessing…. Thank you for sharing him with us…:)

    Enjoy the trip and hope there are many new things you will bring back…
    I love this piece !!! Love the Egyptian theme…I am to have to do a piece someday along those lines…

    ((((HUGS)))) to you Knox & your family…

  11. My sweet Knox…what good little pictures! Totally understand about the glare on the glasses….it does make pictures difficult! Can’t wait to see the whole family in a couple of days! 🙂

  12. Happy Birthday sweet Knox. Safe travels to you…see you in August.

  13. Oh your birthday boy is so sweet! That is so special that he shares his birthday with his great grandmother! You got some really beautiful photos. Such a sweet smile!! 🙂

  14. Hi Scarlett – you know I love the photo of Knox with his new glasses the first one where he’s smiling .. and then with his great grandmother – how lovely and what a record to have.

    I’m so pleased you had a lovely time over his birthday .. and now you’re on your way to San Diego – I hope that proves informative, but it’ll be lovely to have everyone around you ….

    Congratulations – and many happy days … with love Hilary

  15. Happy Birthday Beautiful Boy!

  16. Happy Birthday Knox. You look very dapper in your new glasses. May you have a safe and rewarding trip in San Diego my dear. Time to enjoy all that you will experience. Blessings and Healing Hugs…

  17. Happy Birthday Knox! I love his cool new glasses and the photos of him and his Great Grammie! Be safe on your trip and enjoy your time away!
    I hope your beautiful boy had a wonderful day! 😀

  18. I really enjoyed these! Happy {belated} birthday to Knox! 🙂

  19. He’s a cutie! Enjoy your blog-cation and see you in August!

  20. Oh, I am late in wishing sweet Knox a happy, happy second birthday!! I hope he had a wonderful day and these pictures are just too precious. xxoo

  21. Happy Birthday Knox. You are beautiful and precious. What a dearheart, I can tell!

  22. Happy Birthday Knox!! i still remember your first birthday … when i commented. how time flies 🙂 you are such a sweetheart and such a sunshine!! Love the photo with Great grandma … that is so beautiful 🙂
    Luthien 🙂

    • @luthien –And now just a few weeks later, my beautiful Grandmother has gone to heaven….and this photo has become absolutely priceless. Thanks you so much, Luthien, for stopping by and seeing my angel, Knox, and leaving such kind words. <3 Scarlett

      • i’m so sorry about Grandma … she must have had such a great life! you must celebrate her life! that photo is a true testament of beauty, hope and love, and a celebration of two wonderful and courageous human beings 🙂 xoxoxo

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