Brightly colored streamers hanging in the windows….I think they were Knox’s favorite party decorations! He was able to see them really well when I opened the blinds.
Here’s what I did with the leftover crepe paper rolls. Kinda cute?
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!
We celebrate the joy you’ve brought into our family and the love you’ve mutliplied in our hearts.
We celebrate 52 weeks of kissing your soft cheeks, hearing your special sounds, and learning to make the most of every day.
Beautiful; I love all the special touches, you made me tear up~ He is such a special boy, so glad you went all out! I love the decorations; I can tell in that photo, he did, too~ So cute!
Happy Birthday Knox! We were thinking of him all day Thursday. So glad y’all had a good celebration.
Happy Birthday, Knox.
Have a Happy Birthday sweet boy. Your family is so proud of you. We thank them for sharing you with us.
Big hug,
@Karen Thank you
Yep, proud is right!! He’s such a sweetheart, so glad you stopped by and saw the birthday boy!
Happy birthday Knox!!! Always thinking of you. You look mesmerized by the colorful decorations and I’m so glad you enjoyed them. You’re a beautiful little guy, and your smile in the second picture makes me melt. Big hugs to you and your family.
@i.ikeda Knox says thank you so much and yes, he did love his decorations so we left them up a loooong time!
It was a very special day! So proud to be a part of the celebration. Love you Knox happy birthday again baby boy…hugs and kisses Great Aunt Mel.
Hi Scarlett .. how wonderful – it must be just great to be with him and share the love and joy between you … happy times – and I love the photos .. and your idea for the crepe candlesticks .. with a big hug or two .. Hilary
@Hilary Yes, we had a wonderful time and took hundreds of photos of course, making special memories to treasure always…he’s just the sweetest little boy ever. But I am a little prejudiced, i think!
Have a wonderful weekend! ~Scarlett
oh Happy Birthday big boy
i can see that he loves the decorations … he looks so intently at them
hugs and kisses to you sweet child 
@Luthien–Thanks so much for birthday greetings for Knoxy…we’ve left his decorations up a very long time since he enjoys them so much! Have a great week! ~Scarlett