This is just so beautiful and magical – both your drawing and the photo! !
(I’m not doing much arts & crafts these days. Still too busy in my job. But thinking of you, and keeping you and your family in my prayers! Wishing you and your family a wonderful blessed easter!
Hi Scarlett .. such a wonderful wish – you make our souls love you all so much – your openness and compassion shine through .. with so many hugs and thoughts at this Easter time … Hilary
Praying for your wish to come true! It always gives me a warm feeling to see how you use your art to work through your pain. You’re a model for others who may also be going through similar pain. xoxo
Your drawings are becoming so amazing. Facial expression, stance, and the light in the color – in the midst of darkness – all bring magic and reality together. This is God, Scarlett – darkness and light at once, love and pain together. Your awesome photography also captures the reality of love with abandon. You and your family inspire me.
@Cori and @Linda —always always appreciate prayers, thank you so much <3
@Elisabeth R --I'm so glad you stopped by, I know how busy things get when you're working and I've been through times where I didn't make things for months and months...your creativity is always with you, just waiting for the right time.
@Melanie --Love you Aunt Mely, hope to see you soon <3
@Lizscha --Thanks for your comment, I know some of my art is sad, but a big part of my life is sad right now..nothing I can do about it...but art helps me process my feelings and sharing it with others helps,too. I appreciate your visit!
@Hilary –I hope you’re enjoying this spring time over there in the UK, as well, many blessings to you and your mom this season. I’m happy to have met you online and always grateful for your visits.
@Theresa and @Connie -Thank you both, for taking the time to stop by and for leaving sweet words.
@deeday –Thank you…You know I don’t know what else to do, Dee…I have a good week or so and then start to go down..Thanks so much for stopping by my blog…I had the chance to see the exhibit Wed. and was blown away, you’re pieces and everyone’s were over the top AMAZING. Talk to you soon <3
@Floy --I always shed a few whenever I'm trying to get my feelings onto paper. I think it's good, though. Love you, thanks for commenting!
@Sue--Oh, friend...I sure wish he'd give me a sign sometime. Thanks, Sue <3
@JOANNA –Thanks for coming over, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment –some of my art is from my heavy heart these days, and not always ‘light and happy’,. I’m really really thankful you and others still stop by. Have a good weeekend ~S
@Anna and @Renee –Appreciate it, thanks for coming by, each and every comment means a lot to me. happy weekend
@Melinda –Thanks so much, what a kind thing to say, I’m so thankful you stopped by. I appreciate your words very much. <3
@JOANNA –Thanks for coming over, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment –some of my art is from my heavy heart these days, and not always ‘light and happy’,. I’m really really thankful you and others still stop by. Have a good weekend ~S
@Anna and @Renee –Appreciate it, thanks for coming by, each and every comment means a lot to me. happy weekend
@Melinda –Thanks so much, what a kind thing to say, I’m so thankful you stopped by. I appreciate your words very much. <3
@Brenda –Hey there, haven’t seen you blogging much lately so you must be a busy mama these days. You’re so sweet to stop by and take a look at what I’m up to. I appreciate your kind words about my drawings, Brenda,I’m not able to execute a lot that I want to do but I still try anyway! Hugs to all your clan!
@Kristin –Right back at you, Kristin…I love your art and your style. I especially love how you encourage me and many other creative bloggers, your words always build me up, thank you friend!
How I wish you could have that wand. Or at least that somehow soon those working on research would find a treatment or something they could do to make it better. I’m so sorry Scarlett. Knox is in my prayers, always. Heartfelt hugs.
This is such a beautiful drawing with such a wonderful and magical wish. I hope that your every wish comes true. Sending you and your family all the best for Easter. ~Sophia
Lifting you all up in my prayers……
OH lots of good thoughts and prayers for you , Knox and your family Scarlett…:(
This is just so beautiful and magical – both your drawing and the photo! !
Wishing you and your family a wonderful blessed easter! 
(I’m not doing much arts & crafts these days. Still too busy in my job. But thinking of you, and keeping you and your family in my prayers!
I’d wish that wish too…
This is really so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time!
Hi Scarlett .. such a wonderful wish – you make our souls love you all so much – your openness and compassion shine through .. with so many hugs and thoughts at this Easter time … Hilary
wishing that wish for you also….what a beautiful post. xoxooxxooxoxoxo
Beautiful post.
Praying for your wish to come true! It always gives me a warm feeling to see how you use your art to work through your pain. You’re a model for others who may also be going through similar pain. xoxo
Made me cry! Love you all!
God sees.
He knows.
Your gorgeous art and the beautiful quote brings tears to my eyes, Scarlett.
a big hug from me
joanna xoxo
Oh, this brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful ……
My wish is that you get your wish! Beautiful photo and art work.
I am so very touched by your words and picture….You reach so many hurting souls and give them hope, inspiration and love. Bless you , Scarlett.
Your drawings are becoming so amazing. Facial expression, stance, and the light in the color – in the midst of darkness – all bring magic and reality together. This is God, Scarlett – darkness and light at once, love and pain together. Your awesome photography also captures the reality of love with abandon. You and your family inspire me.
The fairy princess is you! This is absolutely gorgeous – the artwork and your stunning (and touching photo). I am so in awe of everything you do! xoxo
@Cori and @Linda —always always appreciate prayers, thank you so much <3
@Elisabeth R --I'm so glad you stopped by, I know how busy things get when you're working and I've been through times where I didn't make things for months and months...your creativity is always with you, just waiting for the right time.
@Melanie --Love you Aunt Mely, hope to see you soon <3
@Lizscha --Thanks for your comment, I know some of my art is sad, but a big part of my life is sad right now..nothing I can do about it...but art helps me process my feelings and sharing it with others helps,too. I appreciate your visit!
@Hilary –I hope you’re enjoying this spring time over there in the UK, as well, many blessings to you and your mom this season. I’m happy to have met you online and always grateful for your visits.
@Theresa and @Connie -Thank you both, for taking the time to stop by and for leaving sweet words.
@deeday –Thank you…You know I don’t know what else to do, Dee…I have a good week or so and then start to go down..Thanks so much for stopping by my blog…I had the chance to see the exhibit Wed. and was blown away, you’re pieces and everyone’s were over the top AMAZING. Talk to you soon <3
@Floy --I always shed a few whenever I'm trying to get my feelings onto paper. I think it's good, though. Love you, thanks for commenting!
@Sue--Oh, friend...I sure wish he'd give me a sign sometime. Thanks, Sue <3
@JOANNA –Thanks for coming over, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment –some of my art is from my heavy heart these days, and not always ‘light and happy’,. I’m really really thankful you and others still stop by.
Have a good weeekend ~S
@Anna and @Renee –Appreciate it, thanks for coming by, each and every comment means a lot to me. happy weekend
@Melinda –Thanks so much, what a kind thing to say, I’m so thankful you stopped by. I appreciate your words very much. <3
@JOANNA –Thanks for coming over, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment –some of my art is from my heavy heart these days, and not always ‘light and happy’,. I’m really really thankful you and others still stop by.
Have a good weekend ~S
@Anna and @Renee –Appreciate it, thanks for coming by, each and every comment means a lot to me. happy weekend
@Melinda –Thanks so much, what a kind thing to say, I’m so thankful you stopped by. I appreciate your words very much. <3
@Brenda –Hey there, haven’t seen you blogging much lately so you must be a busy mama these days. You’re so sweet to stop by and take a look at what I’m up to. I appreciate your kind words about my drawings, Brenda,I’m not able to execute a lot that I want to do but I still try anyway! Hugs to all your clan!
@Kristin –Right back at you, Kristin…I love your art and your style. I especially love how you encourage me and many other creative bloggers, your words always build me up, thank you friend!
What a beautiful way to express yourself, Scarlett. ((Hugs))
Very moving… Sometimes we can not understand the ways of the Lord.
I would give you my one wish. You’re a beautiful artist, with the soul of a mother.
You are welcome to my one wish also
I love you very much !!
Beautiful! I so wish you would get your wish~ I’d give you my wish, if I had one to give~ Gorgeous drawings with such a profound message~
Such a beautiful and very personal painting. (((Hugs)))
How I wish you could have that wand. Or at least that somehow soon those working on research would find a treatment or something they could do to make it better. I’m so sorry Scarlett. Knox is in my prayers, always. Heartfelt hugs.
This is such a beautiful drawing with such a wonderful and magical wish. I hope that your every wish comes true. Sending you and your family all the best for Easter. ~Sophia
Precious photo of you and Knox. Your drawing is magical and somewhere there is a magic wand with that one wish. Prayers for you and your family.