Art Inspired by Genetic Variability The diversity is incomprehensible! When we look at the natural world–air, land, and sea–there appears to be limitless variations of shape, form, color, and texture. As an artist and a Christian, I believe the vast array of creativity in the natural world is best explained […]
Recent Posts
Making Sense of Happy Endings
A Tribute to James and the Giant Peach I can still picture Mrs. Leach standing at the front of the classroom reading James and the Giant Peach to my 4th grade class. The adventure of an orphaned boy and his bug friends aboard the miraculous peach was the most thrilling […]
Allegory in Art
Helping Children Bridge the Fact/Value Split This painting is part of the beautiful collection of Dutch golden-age paintings at the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Kentucky. Not only is it lovely, it’s allegorical. Allegorical paintings are my favorite pieces in any museum. They do something daring! They bridge the chasm […]
Peaches and People, Thoughts on Universals
I’ve been drawing peaches lately and pondering universals. Long ago, the Greek philosopher, Plato, set forth his idea of the ‘forms’. He hypothesized each thing in our physical world had an abstract essence or quiddity (the what-ness of a thing). Using the triangle, he said that the essence of triangularity […]
Preborn Dreams
I was at the state capitol yesterday witnessing the historic hearing of HB896, a bill to abolish abortion in Texas. Conversations echoed throughout every corridor: talk of constitutions, equal protection, and supremacy clauses. There were attorneys and gradmothers, ranchers and doctors, educators and families of all sizes, gathered to support […]
“NY Infanticide”, The Loss of Human Value
“Without God, there is no foundation for human value.” As New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, signed legislation on Tuesday, January 22nd allowing infants to be killed up the moment of their birth, he demonstrated the truth of this statement. The new law gives us a clear idea of what the […]
The Theanthropic Embryo
Christianity has inspired artists the world over with its transcendent truths: Realities that render words inadequate. One such reality concerns the baby born in Bethlehem roughly two thousand years ago. During the Christmas season, we sing of his birth heralded by angels on a silent and holy night. Who was […]
In Support of Memorial Art-Why Dr. Mohler is Wrong about George Washington
Earlier this year, Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, gave a Leadership Briefing on the Louisville campus. A summary was published on the SBTS website May 3, and a précis was included in the most recent celebratory issue of the seminary’s magazine, marking Dr. Mohler’s 25th anniversary […]
Published in Creative Living, Summer 2018
Just a few more weeks on the shelf! If you haven’t checked out the first volume of Creative Living Ideas, don’t wait. It’s packed with artistic and inspirational gift ideas that you’ll be grateful to have it as the holiday season rolls around. Speaking of the holidays, my Holiday Clothespins […]