Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have the chance to view my latest video where we look at the question “Why Are Humans the Only Artists on Earth?” in more depth. GreenCraft magazine has graciously asked to publish one of my recycled art projects in their May issue, so […]
Recent Posts
Why Are Humans the Only Artists on Earth?
Small Notebooks Wrapped Up for Valentine’s Day
On the clearance aisles of office supply and craft stores, you’ll often find inexpensive notebooks. I found these tiny pink notebooks on a clearance aisle at Office Depot for .70. I wrapped them with glassine kraft paper, ribbon, crepe paper flowers, crochet lace, and some cuts of old pink sweater […]
The Art is Preaching, Episode 2
“You Knock My Socks Off”- Recycled Sweater Valentines
I love all the cute boot socks available these days, especially the ones with sweet crochet trim around the edges. I decided to make some small Valentine’s Day cards with some tiny boot socks by recycling a soft, pink sweater. Found these lovely crochet trims on the clearance aisle! […]
Art is Medicine is on YouTube!
Cockayne Syndrome: A Loving Nature is a Symptom
It was my birthday last month and I received a priceless gift: All the videos from Knox’s life on DVDs! No gift could equal this. In this stage of grief, watching the happy times we had with Knox is a great comfort. I love watching each and every video, […]
“Ducks at Sunset”- Art Activity for Kids
I found this really great pop-art piece by artist, Walt Curlee. I loved the colors and the simplicity of the design. It’s not always easy finding inspiration for my young artist, but this was perfect. I printed out a sample of the piece as a guide. He picked out the […]
“Medieval Lullaby”, a Hand Carved Stamp
The first time I tried to carve rubber, I created this owl stamp. It was harder than I thought, so maybe that’s why I’ve waited so long to try it again. Here’s my second attempt! I chose this pencil drawing from my sketch book, cut it to the […]