I flew over to England with Knox for the annual Cockayne Syndrome family conference. It’s put on by the CS support group, Amy and Friends, and helps connect families from all over the world who have children with this rare genetic condition. The friendship and love we shared with other families is really too much for me to try and put into words. I’m so thankful for this group.
I’m also thankful for my friend, Hilary, from Positive Letters. She had this beautiful card sent to Knox and I at the conference. What a warm welcome!
This made me smile. I love hand-written notes so much. Thank you, Hilary!
I didn’t do much sight seeing on the trip but I did take a train to Liverpool in the pouring rain to take a look around…
Knox and I even managed to visit an incredible museum- The Walker Art Gallery.
Knox enjoyed looking up at the lighting for a while so mommy could snap a few pictures.
I love the dimensional quality of sculpture. The art can be viewed from so many angles. I like to view sculpture from the back, as well as the front. It’s a completely different experience.
And everywhere I looked there were different types of wings.
The title of this one read,” Love Cherishing the Soul While Preparing to Torment It”.
Butterfly wings!
Enjoyed a box of Thornton’s chocolates that evening…yummmm.
We had a view of this lighthouse from our hotel in New Brighton…
These next photos were taken on my last day. I took a walk around the neighborhood. It had been raining for 3 days so everything seemed clean and fresh. So many pretty flowers…
Loved these bright pink fuchsias everywhere…
Ivy creeping along the walls…
Soft patches of moss sprouting up between stones…
Beautiful old churches…
The sidewalk all around is paved with tiny crosses…
Someone else was out for a stroll….
If I had a house in England I’d want it to look just like this…
The leaves were already turning colors…
My first visit to England was wonderful! With all my heart I am grateful to Amy and Friends for helping us finance the trip and welcoming us with open arms. Knox has new friends all over the world: Japan, Germany, England, Canada, Holland, France, and many others. Here he is with his new friend from South Africa. All of the children have an immediate connection…
The balloon release in memory of many children gone to heaven…
The group photo on the lawn…
Knox and I bid England a fond farewell at sunset….
Until next year, our hearts are full of love and special memories.
What wonderful pictures you did.
There is in them a great feeling and your gaze pierces the screen.
(In Italian I would be much better to tell you everything I think ….)
Good luck to all.
It must be very heart warming to meet all these parents and children. Great initiative in my opinion!!! Hope you came back with new energy! Lovely photos and so typical, the pouring rain
We spent our holidays in England last Juin and what do you think, it rained and it rained 
The last photo is awesome!
Beautiful photos dear Scarlett!
The art gallery looks amazing! and very you! I can some wonderful sketches inspired by these photographs coming from you in the future!
Glad you had a sharing time with other Mothers and families in the same situation! Take Care!
Happy to hear it was such a good experience for you and Knox. Great photos, especially that last one. But, I didn’t notice any pink hair?
I am so happy for you and Knox, being able to travel to a beautiful place together to connect with such a wonderful group of people. I love the photo of him and his new friend, sooo sweet! Your photos are gorgeous, so many beautiful shots that I can see, like Annmaree, being used in your amazing artwork! Have a fabulous day! t.xoxoxo
What an unique experience-to meet and again touch each other souls! Letters do that, but actually meeting, what a moment ~
I am so glad you went~ xo
I love all of your photos! The statues are amazing~ I love the last photo of you n’ Knox the most!
What a wonderful experience for both of you! Lovely photos, thanks for taking us along. I’m sure the encouragement you received from your new extended family will build you up and strengthen you. My prayers are with you and your family.
I love that last photo of you and Knox so much. You’ve been through so much together, and it’s such a beautiful photo of you both. I’m so glad you got to go. <3
I am so happy you were able to make this wonderful trip with knox and madelaine. I am sure you know how much your great grandmother always wanted to visit england and I just know she was there with you and is so very proud of all of you. she loved you more than words could ever say , and I thank you for taking her there with you I can’t imagine anyone she would have rather been with than you. xoxoxo to you all
Hi !!!!! Tk’s to shared your good a beautiful pic’s for some or your trips in this case England , the museus, the streets , the group, the connection with the other souls , your pi’c with Knox !!!! wauuuuu Thanks and Blessings !!!!!
these pictures are fabulous! I love the ivy pic the best. Oh, I long to go back to England. I am so glad your trip went well and Knox was heathy to go!
Ooooooh!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Your pictures are absolutely amazing – and touching. What an amazing memory you have created – and in one of my favorite places on earth (I was an exchange student for a year in college – studied drama in the North by York). AND that last shot of the two of you is precious – do you still have pink in your hair – to match that great “jumper?” I did a blue streak – copy cat I am! xoxoxo
Those last few pics were precious! I’m so glad y’all had a great time on the trip!
Hi Scarlett – so pleased you enjoyed the card – I’d have loved to have been able to meet you … another time I hope. It does sound as though the trip was a joyous occasion and you were able to get some solace, as well as get out a tiny bit …
The photos – show your love of art .. and I must have a look at the Museum website … that first Madonna sculpture reminds me so much of your creativity … gorgeous.
Wonderful to see Knox meeting new friends and that last wonderful picture of the two of you together …. I’m so pleased the weather cleared for your group photo and the balloon release …
It’s been a pleasure to read and hear some of your thoughts … I love the accompanying music – so appropriate … while your selection of photos are great too – I love fuschias … very Cornish and very appropriate for me at the moment …
Big hugs – Hilary
Love the amazing moments you captured, such a creative eye for art and beauty. So happy your experience was amazing. You and Knox are absolutely precious.
Hi again,
And YES, it would have been so much fun with you there!
AND just so you know, you were also an inspiration for my hair – you did the few strands in pink and I thought, okay, I could do that. And I love it – and it just washes out in 3 – 6 weeks so not bad
So many wonderful photos, and I’m sure just as many wonderful memories.
So lovely, your posts always touch my heart, thank you for that.. xo
Hi – I just came across your blog whilst checking out all of your art work and found your UK photo’s and then realised that they were all taken in my local area I am just down the road from New Brighton, UK. I was amazed and enlightened to see my own area through your eyes, the wonderful photo’s you have taken of everyday things like phone boxes and I will definitely do a revisit to the Walker Art Gallery to check out all of those wings (i never noticed them when I visited). You have made me realise that I go through life with blinkered eyes! Thank you so much, sometimes we lose sight of all of the beauty that surrounds us. Oh and the rain that always seems so drab to me appeared so beautiful to you in your photographs!
If you and Knox come to this area again next year, please check out ‘Burton Manor’ I am a ‘Friend of Burton Manor’ and we have restored an Edwardian Glasshouse and Walled Garden, it is a beautiful place and you may enjoy visiting it. If you need transport please call our office telephone 01513451107 and leave a message for Margaret and i will contact you and arrange to bring you out to us for a visit. Once again thank you for all of your lovely photo’s of my home area. xx
Hi Margaret, I’m so glad you found my blog and stopped by! We had such a nice time over in England and yes, we loved the rain, too! We don’t see much rain over here in TX. We are definitely going to try and come again next year (as long as Knox is well enough). Thanks for the information about ‘Burton Manor’-I looked it up online and it looks wonderful, just the sort of place I love. I appreciate your kind offer and we may very well take you up on it. Thank you so much for getting in touch and for your message! Have a blessed week, Scarlett
What an incredible trip…Your photos are wonderful!
I love the sweet photo of you and your darling Knox :))
You blessed me tonight!!
Kay Ellen