I love Knox so much.
Losing him doesn’t seem possible…
He had his first ear infection last week but he’s feeling better now. His intake went critically low, but he managed to stay hydrated and has managed to take in almost 11 ounces of Pediasure today on his own.
I realized this last week that I needed to begin his memory album.
And I’m really not sure if I’ll be capable of doing it after he’s gone.
So I went to the local scrapbook store in search of some special supplies for this album, but all I came home with was some black and white tape.
None of the stuff seemed right.
None of the baby papers seemed to fit, and none of the stickers had the right words.
Maybe because none of the stuff is made for my baby.
So I got home and drew…
The album I’m using is 8″ x 8″, so I had to cut down the drawing a bit.
A newly opened rose, and many winged friends coming to see the new baby.
A perfect boy with heart-shaped lips has been born.
It’s the beginning of a beautiful life…
I added some more butterflies into the picture, mounted on foam tape, and also went over all the pencil lines with a ZIG .03 pen.
The dotted tape is from SMASH and the sheet music tissue tape is from Tim Holz.
The first page is done and I’m glad I’ve gotten started.
I know it’s not sophisticated or fancy, but it’s what felt right.
This week my young artist will be illustrating poetry.
This is something we’re trying for the first time so I’m excited to see how it turns out.
Thanks for stopping by ~
Life is so uncertain and everyday is a blessing. Knox is so adorable.
Your line work combined with pictures of Know is better than anything you could buy in a store. Thanks for sharing your memories with your larger audience of friends. It will help you and it helps us as we pray for you and your family. xoxo
I love that you created your own pages. I also love the black and white. Breaks my heart to think of what you are going through. I know you are treasuring every moment. God bless you and sweet Knox.
It is gorgeous and so fitting! I love the rose and that you put Knox inside~
The beauty of a newborn, so precious~ I find black n’ white photos seem
more emotional. The color draw our eyes in different in directions, but
B &W gets to the heart of what you want seen! You are wise to listen to your voice~ Your drawings are beautiful; I am so glad you started this, for all of you~
I love the intimate photo, the joy on Knox’s face! I can’t imagine the emotional toll daily, art does help us cope~ You know how truly precious, the moments with him are~ I am so glad he is holding his own! Bless all of you~
Of course only your work would be fitting, Scarlett. You are so wise to work on the album now. Thank you so much for sharing with us here. You know my heart is with you and you know how I feel already. Just know that I love you and think about you every single day. You are a treasure to me and especially to sweet Knox.
You are so brave and strong. You just treasure every moment you have with him and the others because life is so uncertain. Anything can be snatched away at any time and the precious moments are what you have left to sustain you.
There are no words to express how beautiful this is…his precious face and the gorgeous lines of your very personal work – magic. There is nothing…nothing in a store that can come close to this. Just beautiful.
How is it that everything you touch, you leave beautiful, Scarlett?
I wonder how the world would look if more people were like you.
I wonder how the world would look if I were more like you.
Keeping you in my prayers….
Scarlett, He’s beautiful.
Love and prayers,
I’m absolutely certain that no words I write here will describe how moved I am by you..and your art..and your pictures, or family. I just found you through Pinterest of all places, and I feel I have found a beautiful blog I know I will read with passion…and treasure. Such beautiful work befitting a little king. You are most definitely in my thoughts. Joe captured my feeling in his comment, and I can see more clearly the wonderful person you must be. xo
@Connie –Too true, and thank you, I think his face is just about the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
@Dee — I go back and forth about sharing what we’re going through. But if it sends more prayers to heaven on Knox’s behalf..then it’s worth sharing. Thank you, Dee.
@Vicki –Thanks so much, Vicki, I know it’s not always easy to comment on this type of post…thank you about the page, too, I appreciate it very much.
@Ella –Thanks for encouraging me to begin…I love black and white, too…I’m saving the color photos of him that I’ve gotten printed in a photo box and using copies for the album. Thank you for your sweet words and taking the time to leave me such a thoughtful message.
@Jeana –Dear friend, for many years I’ve known that if I ever needed anything I could always call you. What a blessing that has been But there’s nothing you can do this time, other that what you’re doing…just being a friend. I love you, too.
@Floy –Thanks, Floy..you know how much I missed mom before and now this..in a way, though, I’m glad she’s not here. This would’ve been more than she could bear I think. It gives me some comfort knowing that Knox has the loving arms of his grandmother waiting for him in heaven.
@Jen –Thank you so much for saying that…There are so many incredibly beautiful papers out there and so many designs….I felt like I was crazy at first for not just buying the ‘cutest’ stuff. Thanks again for your sweet words, I appreciate it so much!
@Joe –You are such an encouraging person, Joe. You put such a huge amount of kindness into such a small comment box! I’m thankful for you coming over. Please stay just the way you are. And thank you for the prayers.
@ Sue — I have to agree with you.
Thanks, friend.
@Sherri –I’m so glad you stopped by, you are very kind.. I appreciate your kind and thoughtful words more than I can say on here. Thank you for your affirmation…using art is helping me through this. Meeting kind people like you is comforting, too. I will be over to visit you very soon. Thanks, Sherri.
Scarlett… how precious. My goodness how your love pours through this page. It is just beautiful. What an amazing keepsake you are creating. I love how you said none of the stuff was made for your baby, so you went home and made it yourself. Your heart is beautiful!!
Scarlett sweetheart any words I could say are inadequate…..I am touched to my core!! *tear*
That’s beautiful.
Precious. Perfect. Priceless.
@Jennifer –Thank you, Jennifer, you are so sweet to come by, I really appreciate it. I’m so glad that the page communicated the love we have for him, he’s such an angel. Thanks again!
@Melanie –Love you , Aunt Mely, I hope we’ll be seeing you before too long!
@The Golden Eagle –Thank you so much, he’ll always be a beautiful baby to me. Thanks for visiting~
@Mona –I’m so glad you came by, I’ve really missed you…or I should say WE have all missed you! Have a blessed week ~Scarlett
I want you to know that I think of you often and I honestly don’t know how you do it – you are so full of grace and love – it just pours from your heart to your beautiful art. Of course there wasn’t anything there at the store – ’cause it was all meant to come from you . . .and you are creating a gorgeous album in the process.
I absolutely adore the photo above too – so full of love and warmth – and you happen to look gorgeous too!
Love to you all, xoxo
Oh dear Scarlett. I was not aware what you’re really going through. I don’t even have words. Know that I am thinking of you and your family. This sweet little boy is so lucky to have you. I am sure you are holding on tight. This page you made is so lovely and so perfect. You’re a beautiful beautiful woman, mother, artist.
Lots of love,
@Kristin –Thanks so much, I’m so glad you came by and saw the page. I don’t post about Knox very often on here (since he has a Caring Bridge site) but I do like to show how I’m incorporating my art into this trial. Comments like yours do mean so much to me, I appreciate every word, thank you.
@ Danielle –You are so kind to leave such a sweet message, thank you so much. I don’t really have many words, either, so art has to do a lot of the talking for me. I wish all of you could come and visit Knox, he has such a sweet spirit. Thanks again for your loving words, Danielle!
Absolutely beautiful…Scarlett, the “newborn rose” is incredibly gorgeous.
Your artwork is so much more meaningful, appropriate, and just stunning regardless. Hugs from next door – we are always here for you.
beyond words, your love jumps off the page, you are a beautiful soul.
Hi Scarlett .. that is wonderful – and I think it’s a brilliant idea – .. that you’ve just let your head and your heart be creative for Knox .. This Memory Album will be such a comfort and tonic for you both as the years go by … as well as your other children … Fantastic – a beautiful addition to the blogging world .. love it – thank you .. Hilary