For our art project today, my young artist wanted to try her hand at drawing architecture.
The “Draw 50” books by Lee Ames are a great way to help kids tackle more difficult subjects. This one shown is the “Draw 50-Buildings and Other Structures” but there are 27 others in the series: birds, airplanes, horses, etc.
She started with the first one in the book, “The Empire State Building”. As you can see, each page features a progressive approach, starting with simple lines and shapes, and adding more depth and detail in each step.
She kept the lines straight with a protractor and worked hard at keeping it symmetrical.
The markers she used covered over a lot of the detail, but you can certainly tell what it’s supposed to be.
Next, she wanted to try a lighthouse. I love the beautiful multi-colored sunset she added in the background. So many pretty colors!
By now, she thought she was an expert at drawing buildings, so she turned several pages further and decided to give the “Southern Colonial” a try.
And she wanted me to draw it, too. Sure, why not? It looks easy enough…
It was harder than it looked. I worked on this thing for almost half an hour and still couldn’t get the lines quite right.
I think hers turned out awesome, complete with a happy couple. Who wouldn’t be happy with a house like that?
Have a great weekend!
How awesome! better thAn anyuthing I can do now! NOT KIDDING!
CUTE! I need to learn how to draw buildings. I’m used to faces and animals, but straight lines like buildings and cars? :/ *ducking*
Thanks for sharing the tips!
♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥
I like to past my own drawing assist me
Hi Tshedza,
I would love to post your drawing on our FB page, feel free to email it to us,
Happy Drawing!