Super Art Friday-“Painting Redbud Branches”

The Redbud trees are so beautiful this time of year.  I snapped this photo for my daughter to use as a painting inspiration.

I gave her a piece of legal sized aged parchment paper.   I can tell that she values an art project more when I give her quality art papers and supplies, not just the kid’s stuff.


I printed out the picture for her and put it on a stand so she could use it as a guide.  Then we talked very briefly about how things that are far away look lighter than things that are close up.

We gave little bro six different colors, thick cardboard, and a brush. He was one happy little painter!


I was thrilled that he was willing to use some colors besides black today!  (his favorite color)

Don’t forget: It’s the process that matters, not the product🙂

And here is her lovely Redbud painting.  Didn’t it turn out pretty? I told her she is really becoming a wonderful artist these days.  🙂

Have a great weekend!


  1. Melanie Keel

    Beautiful artwork almost just as beautiful as the two beautiful artist that painted them. Lovely work both of you, love you all, Aunt Mel.

  2. I am totally impressed with your children’s artwork! They will be ready to exhibit with the Prayer and Creativity Team before you know it!

  3. Aw, it looks AMAZING.
    Great job, girly!!

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