Tag: ATC swap
Candy Wrapper ATCs with Owls
This cute hoot owl stamp became the star of my ATCs. The candy wrapper swap at Archiver’s is this Wed. and I actually got my cards done a day early (not the norm!). I stamped and colored this cute little owl, cut him out (thirteen times to be exact) and glued […]
“It’s a Zoo Out There” ATC Swap
I’ve never had such a struggle to come up with ATCs as I did for this swap! The theme was, “It’s a Zoo Out There”. I couldn’t find anything in my stash o’ stuff with animals. Then I thought of professional working women wearing animal print fashions…so that’s what I […]
“Endless Summer” ATCs
They are now having ATC swaps at the local Archivers here in town-yay! Before this, I’ve only participated in online and personal swaps, so this should be fun! I was told to make 10, which means I’ll get 9 new cards for my collection. (one is for the store) The theme: “Endless […]
Decorated Elephant ATCs
I usually draw out my ideas for ATCs in my sketchbook before I start on the actual cards. For the “Decorated Elephants” swap I liked the idea of looking down on the top of elephant’s head, or looking at the head from the side. And then I thought, “Hmmm.. I wonder what an elephant […]
“Autumn Dreams” ATCs
And just in time to switch gears for Christmas, I finished my ATCs for the “Autumn Dreams” swap. I kept them simple using mainly rubber stamps and rich ink colors of brown and red-violet: Farewell Autumn, helloooooo Christmas time!