Tag: handmade card

Mixed-Media Art

Another Antique Baby Portrait Card

Look at this sweet face! This antique baby portrait was in such good condition.  And I have a friend expecting a baby girl this month so… I brought her home with me. The Antique Mall is becoming one of my favorite places these days. I layered the portrait with some pink stained cheese-cloth, decorative […]

Art Cards, Art Inspired by Literature

A Man-Card

Happy Birthday to my funny, intelligent, and extremely good-looking husband! I’d post a picture of him but it would just make you jealous.  🙂 Anyway, seeing as how the cards for men at the store are so LAME, I made a special man-card just for him. My inspiration?  Captain Frederick […]

Art Cards, Mixed-Media Art

“Air Travel” Card

 Woe is me, for there is no vacation in sight for us and the summer is almost gone! The cost of travel precludes our departure to any exotic destination at this time.  Plus, all the places I truly want to go require a trans-atlantic flight, which is unfortunate for someone who doesn’t […]