The holiday baking has begun! *trumpet blast* In order to fill up 10 plastic tubs full of goodies for my relatives on Christmas day, I’ve got to get cookin’! Cookies, candies, and fudge…oh my. Hope you’re having a sweet Tuesday.
Tag: photography
December 13th
Where can you go and see a hundred tutus in every color of the rainbow? The Nutcracker Ballet. I grabbed my camera as we were walking into the theater. The owner of this stunning turquoise tutu was twirling and twirling around, oblivious to all passers-by, and perfectly content to look down and catch an occasional glimpse of her own […]
December 9th
December 9th. Trying to take a Christmas photo of the kids today, while the ornamental pear trees are still firey orange and red. I took about 80 shots, so hopefully one, just ONE will be in focus with everyone’s eyes open. Baby is wearing his tiny glasses while his eye heals. […]
December 6th
December 5th
December 4th
December 3rd
December 2nd
I hope you enjoy my photographic Christmas countdown! Each day I’ll post a Christmas-y photo, giving you a little window into our world as we count down to the BIG DAY.