Tag: prismacolor pencils
“Bleeding Heart”
This sketch blends two meanings for the phrase “bleeding heart’, the literal and the metaphoric. A ‘bleeding heart’ can refer to the plant with drooping clusters of flowers shaped like hearts, or to a person regarded as overly sentimental.
Genetic Mutations
Genetic Mutations. Ugly sounding words, but they are very much on my mind these days as we await our son’t DNA test results. What are they? I’ve been reading a lot about genetics lately, as you can imagine. I don’t understand everything, but I’ve learned this much: A hereditary mutation, which […]
Fly on a Flower
Just a little colored pencil drawing from my sketch-book today. This was my intended post for the letter “F” in the “A to Z” Challenge. The host of the challenge encouraged me to go ahead and post what I have, which is really a very nice thing to do. I really […]
Woodland Face
Sea Shell Tag #10
I drew the giant conch by hand with a hard graphite pencil and then used Prismacolors pencils for color.
Victorian House Mixed-Media for Somerset Studio
**I apologize for the frightful quality of these photos! I’m in the process of updating this post, now that I know how to use my camera!** This is not a new piece but it is my first mixed-media piece to get published. I’m just a teensy bit proud of it, so […]