Q: Why do we love to imitate nature? A: Because we are created in the image of the Creator of Nature and experience joy as we create after the pattern of our Creator. Psalm 104:24 O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all (Paper […]
Tag: valentines day
Lunchbox Love Notes
Did you know that Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this year? I used these handy little lined index cards and made some special love notes to send along in my Valentine’s lunchbox. Each day of the week she will find a special handwritten note in her lunch, with Friday’s […]
Valentine’s Day “Sew Sweet” Mini Canvas
There are so many awesome types of clay available these days. I want to try every single one. This heart was made with Sculpey’s Ultra Light, and wow, it’s so smoooooth. It feels like your working with home-made angel biscuit dough. I stuck a sewing needle through the heart and […]
“Skating to a Valentine Party”
A little Valentine drawing for my daughter… Made some changes and added lots of hearts: on her coat, on her shoestrings, on her hat,and stuffed in her pockets for her friends at the party. She’s also got a big Valentine for her best friend…behind her back. Drew over the lines with […]