Owls and poetry again!
I drew this sketch to go along with Tennyson’s poem “The Owl”.
With the holidays upon us, he had to have some festive adornment, of course.
The Owl
by Alfred Lord Tennyson
When cats run home and light is come,
And dew is cold upon the ground,
And the far-off stream is dumb,
And the whirring sail goes round,
And the whirring sail goes round;
Alone and warming his five wits,
The white owl in the belfry sits.
When merry milkmaids click the latch,
And rarely smells the new-mown hay,
And the rooster hath sung beneath the thatch
Twice or thrice his roundelay,
Twice or thrice his roundelay;
Alone and warming his five wits,
The white owl in the belfry sits
Copyright 1893
I’ve been working on some stuffed owls this week, as well.
You all know I don’t really sew, which makes working with fabric a true adventure!
Like many of you, I’m going to take a blogging break for the rest of the week.
We’re going to be eating, visiting with family here in town, eating, and then putting up Christmas stuff over the weekend after we eat again.
This year, I’m especially thankful that Knox is still with us. He recently turned 16 months old! He also lost one of his contacts so he’s having to wear his little glasses until his new pair arrive. We love this little guy!!
I wish you and your family a peaceful and blessed week!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well Hello Knox!! I love your bright blue aviator style glasses…tonight you can dream a little dream of taking off into the sunset, flying high in your biplane. It can take you to far off places – what an adventure!
Scarlett I love your white owl with his little red collar of holly…your drawings are wonderful!! What a talent
I love that poem.
Like you, we’re eating, and enjoying and just being content.
We put Christmas up all weekend as well – Tree on Thanksgiving day and this year we’ll even tackle lights on the eves of the house. I also broke down and had to buy a light up Spongebob Squarepants for the front lawn. I personally would rather a reindeer family – but the kids beat me 3 to 1 on the ruling – so of course, Mom lost, as usual. Spongebob it is.
Happy Holiday to you and yours – I’m sending lots of Thanksgiving Blessings your way
This owl is wonderful and also the little guy!!
I like your style!
Happy Holiday!
I am so happy he is with you still as well. Everyday is a blessing! Happy Thanksgiving!
Knox is adorable in his blue glasses, what a sweet little guy! My girls have a thing for owls, and they would love this one, he is gorgeous with his Christmas attire. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! t.xoxo
Hi Scarlett – that’s wonderful that Knox is 16 months now – and his glasses – just cute .. The White Owl .. what a lovely poem I hadn’t been aware of – but your drawing just makes him Mr Owl or Mrs perhaps so smart! Cheers and have a fantastic Thanksgsiving eating, sleeping, chatting, decorating et al .. have fun – Hilary xoxox
Good morning, Darling Knox, from southern California! I am LOVING your stylin’ glasses, li’l dude! The things to be thankful for, in spite of this atmosphere of anger and tension, really make one think about what’s important in life.
I love this poem and Tennyson is definitely one of the all-time best in history. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and thank you for sharing your talent, your creativity, and most importantly, your inspiration.
I love Knox’s glasses, so cute! I am glad you can celebrate on this Thanksgiving, so many blessings~ xo
I love your owl; I love the quiet nature of the words with your beautiful drawing~ Such a wise way to share the message of the season!
Hope you n’ yours have a lovely, warm spirited day!
@Sherri –Knox says thank you about his cute little spectacles! Wow, you are really on the ball, I wish I was that far along with our decorating!! LOL, my kids would LOVE the Spongebob, too, that’s so funny!! Thanks so much about the little sketch, I appreciate your comments so much and wish you a blessed holiday, as well. Glad I found you, Sherri!!
@Anna– Thanks so much, I’m so glad you stopped by!! Happy to have connected with you in blogland this year!
@theresa –Thank you , we think he’s pretty cute, too!! Owls are so big right now…I see them all over the place. We have a great horned owl that lives nearby. We’ve heard him but I’ve never actually seen him, hope I do some day they look so cool!! Thank you for your kind words, and I’ll be over to visit soon!
@Hilary–You are so kind to stop by, I know you have so many readers and it takes a lot of time to visit every one…thanks so much for taking the time to visit me. Give your mom a ‘hello’ from Texas for me, wish I could meet you both in person!
@Christina Colon –Awww, you are so sweet, isn’t Knox the coolest little guy? Thanks so much, Christina, I appreciate your caring and kind comments for my angel Knox….it means a lot to me. I’m thankful to have connected with you over the last few months, I appreciate you stopping by and enjoy your creativity as well!!
@Ella –Have a blessed time with your family, too, sweet friend. We’ll each try to have a little of everything, right? Just a little….
Thanks about the little drawing…I learned that drawing on manila paper is tough…you really can’t erase much or it tears up the paper. I hope you have a wonderful holiday as well, so glad to have gotten to know you!
@Daniele –Thanks so much, yep, we try to make the most of every day…I’m going to try and not let the business of the season keep us from making special memories with our special baby. I appreciate your comment, Daniele, have a wonderful day tomororow!
Your drawings are so clever always, so glad your children have such an imaginative teacher who brings literature and art to life. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and feel the love coming your way!
Knox is adorable in his glasses. Your owl is such a handsome festive guy. Blessings to you and your family.xo
What a sweet little guy…and your owl is so so lovely…pure joy. xoxoox
Just look at your little guy – he is so precious!! A blessing to have him with you still…
Your owl is just gorgeous. He looks festive and thoughtful. He fits the poem beautifully.
Love the owl and poem! Knox is just adorable with the glasses! I also took off the week for Thanksgiving. I hope you and your family had the most wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. ~Sophia
Oh, I love your owls (the one in the earlier post too!). And this one with the holly sure is hansom! I have a thing for owls I must say – which represent wisdom to me also. (Your sweet Knox looks as wise as an owl in those glasses.

Hope you had a nice time, with lots of yummy food and cozy Christmas decorating, during your blogging break.
Oh, and I am looking forward to see your stuffed owl when it gets done!
Knox looks quite fashionable in his blue specs! I have never considered owls a favourite but you are making me quite fond of them