I love this book! I picked it up at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, TX.
This is the best book I’ve ever seen for kids on how to draw faces. It contains 27 lessons on how to create faces of all sorts using many different techniques.
It starts out demonstrating the basic shapes of the face and how to use guidelines to help get the features in the right place. At first, I thought this might overwhelm my 7-year-old, but we went through it together slowly, and what do you know? Her faces no longer have the eyes at the top of the forehead
The lessons are in a step-by step format where they start with the first lines of the drawing and then show you the progression in steps until it’s completed.
The shading section was a little bit difficult, so we skipped on to the colored pencil lesson and she liked that a lot.
This book is also internet-linked, so you can type in the address given with each lesson and see real art by real artists using the technique of that particular lesson. This makes it even more fun and gives your little artist lots of ideas! My daughter especially liked the lesson on stylized faces.
There is a step-by-step example of how to make stylized faces using pieces of colored tissue paper that was fun, too!
We’ve gone through half the book now and her favorite lesson has been “Drawing on a Computer”. She got on Microsoft Paint and had a blast making faces.
For the “Drawing in Pen” lesson she did a self-portrait by looking into a mirror.
I’m looking forward to finishing this book! There are many more fun lessons like “Drawing Cartoons”, “Expressions”, and “Caricatures”.
Drawing faces can be really intimidating, but this book has already helped my young artist approach faces with more confidence. Her next project? Doll portraits