Art With Children

Making art with my children is one of the greatest joys of my life. I’m so grateful to be able to share my love of the arts with them every day! Homeschooling gives me the freedom to pass on my love for art to my children and the time to learn new things along with them.

Art With Children, Children's Art Books

Super Art Friday-“Draw 50 Series-Buildings and Other Structures”

For our art project today, my young artist wanted to try her hand at drawing architecture. The “Draw 50” books by Lee Ames are a great way to help kids tackle more difficult subjects.  This one shown is the “Draw 50-Buildings and Other Structures” but there are 27 others in the series: birds, airplanes, horses, etc. She […]

Art With Children

Drawing the Roses

  After a grueling week of speech preparation and competition, I was ready to get back to quiet activities at home. My daughter was recently given these lovely roses by her grandfather.  We don’t have fresh flowers around the house often, so whenever we do have them, we use them […]

Art With Children, Drawings

A Birthday Menu

   I sat down with my daughter to plan her birthday menu. In our family, getting to eat your favorite things on your birthday is part of the celebration.  She came up with all of her favorite foods (including a trip to Souper Salad with a girl- friend from church) and then I wrote it on […]