Many atheists claim the universe and all life arose from natural processes. On a much simpler scale, this view can be compared to the belief that this detailed chocolate figure arose from the warm, melted chocolate as it cooled. It’s unbelievable on a simple scale and vastly more unbelievable when […]
Recent Posts
Apologetics and Chocolate: Augustine on Time
It’s Christmas Time! But…what is time? The Christian theologian, Augustine of Hippo (354-430), explored the mysterious concept of time in Chapter XI of Confessions. He surmised that since the past no longer exists, the future does not yet exist, and the present is always slipping into the past, time is […]
The Magical Mix of Atheism
The Christian philospher, Greg Bahnsen, once compared the atheist’s view of human origins to a cake-mix. Atheists speculate that a mysterious mixture of matter, energy, and time, combined with a dash of who-knows-what, produced life. They claim this magical event happened once and has never happened again. Of course, Dr. […]
Hand-Painted Chocolate Rabbits
When I saw this vintage rabbit mold in an antique store, I knew I had to try my hand a making some chocolate rabbits for Easter. I melted down Ghirardelli dark chocolate wafers and made 6 rabbits. I decorated them with spring bouquets. For the “paint” I used melted […]
12 Days of Presupp.
A little Christmas song for all the presuppositional apologists out there! On the 12th day of Christmas, a presup. gave to me… 12 books by Van Til! 11 Preconditions of Reason 10 Transcendental Critiques 9 Promises from Scripture 8 Examples of Suppression 7 Comparisons of Method 6 Biblical Defenses 5 […]
My First ETS Conference
It was a great honor to present my first academic paper at the ETS conference last week in San Antonio (Nov. 14-16, 2023). ETS is a professional academic society of biblical and theological scholars. Academic papers are submitted throughout the year and the authors of selected papers are invited to […]
IDENTITY at Liverpool Cathedral
Peter Walker’s Identity exhibit is currently on view at Liverpool Cathedral. Here’s what Liverpool Cathedral has to say about it: “IDENTITY introduces seven illuminated columns, suspended over the Well. Each column is lit, with individual strips of light representing the double helix of DNA and demonstrating the unique make up […]
Noah’s Ark at Night
Many skeptics doubt the story of the global flood found in the Bible. The story of Noah and his family living inside an enormous ship for a year and caring for thousands of animals seems implausible to those who think the Bible is a book of fairy tales. But […]
The Freedom Not to See “The Sound of Freedom”
The Christian filmmaking industry faces a dilemma. They want to compete with Hollywood, but they want to create content that glorifies God. To do that, the pull of making gritty, adult-themed movies is a strong temptation. Are PG-13 and R rated type films the future of Christian filmmaking? Time will […]